Our team - All
Kostiuk Olena
Head of the cardiology department
Natalia Nagornyak
Head of the visual diagnostics department
Seleznyov Denis
Head of Oncology Department, orthopedist
Konoval Natalya
Head of the Department of Dentistry
Umanets Mikhailo
Head of the nephro-urological department
Andronova Tetyana
Head of Dermatology Department
Kondratyuk Taras
Head of ICU, hematologist, Lecturer at Zoolux Veterinary College
Alina Klymenko
Head of the therapy department, cardiologist
Dubrovina Olha
Head of the Department of Surgery, Surgeon,Lecturer at Zoolux Veterinary College
Anna Chekhlystova
Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Lecturer at Zoolux Veterinary College
Matorina Daria
Head of the Department of Hematology, ICU doctor
Nesterchuk Volodymyr
Surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology