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SDMA: a marker for early kidney damage

What is SDMA? What animals should be tested for SDMA? Preparing the material for shipment

Cholecystectomy in dogs and cats

Cholecystectomy is a complete removal of the gallbladder, performed in the surgical treatment of gallbladder diseases.

Poisoning with rat poison

Picked up poison, doghunters or outdoor rat control: What to do if your dog has eaten rat poison and how to try to help him before arriving at the clinic.

Поширені міфи про кастрацію.

На сьогоднішній день найпоширенішою операцією в ветеринарних клініках є кастрація самців і самок. Це планова операція, яка проводиться клінічно здоровим тваринам і має мінімальні анестезіологічні ризики, досить добре переноситься і має гарне і швидке відновлення

Why does my cat mark

Why neutered cats can mark territory?

Diabetes mellitus

Finding an effective treatment is, of course, the most important factor for successful disease control, but it is also important to provide support to the owner of an animal with diabetes.

Preparation for ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

It is important to remember that proper preparation of the animal can significantly facilitate the abdominal ultrasound process. By performing this procedure, the doctor can detect possible problems in time and provide proper treatment. High-tech ultrasound is one of the ways to quickly and informatively diagnose and ensure a long and healthy life for our pets.

Sterilization of a cat

Today, the most common operation in veterinary clinics is castration of males and females.

A conversation between an anesthesiologist and an animal owner

Let's find out what owners are most concerned about anesthesia.

Brachycephalic syndrome in dogs and cats.

What exactly is brachycephalic syndrome and how to live with it, how to prevent complications for the body that this syndrome can lead to?


A good doctor is worth its weight in gold. Everyone understands this and can spend years looking for the best one, and when they find one, they will expect miracles.

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

A common intestinal virus is not capable of causing a fatal disease, but under certain circumstances (stress, genetic predisposition of certain breeds) it can mutate and cause systemic vasculitis and death of the animal.