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Effect of castration on the animal
Among the positive changes that occur after castration are that the animals become less aggressive, more friendly with each other, and there is no need to divide the territory.
How to interpret blood and urine tests?
Analysis of the main indicators and their importance for animal health
This complete removal of the spleen, planned or urgent surgical intervention, is quite complex, so it should be carried out in specialized clinics with good surgical and anesthetic equipment, a laboratory, intensive care unit and intensive care unit.
Laparotomy for animals
Laparotomy is an open surgery on the abdomen. It can help the surgeon both diagnose and treat certain problems. A diagnostic laparotomy makes it possible to localize the source of the problem in the abdominal cavity and correct it.
Foreign objects in the gastrointestinal tract
Sooner or later, everyone who has a four-legged pet has to deal with its antics. And everyone probably has a list of chewed and missing items. Usually, very young animals tend to chew and eat anything that seems edible and attractive enough. With age, most become more prudent, but, as practice shows, not all.
Deworming of a pregnant bitch and cat. Preparation for labor and delivery
Parasite control is important in pregnant females and cats.
Gallbladder sludge.
A common finding on ultrasound in both dogs and cats is the presence of a dense sludge in the gallbladder - sludge.
A marker for early kidney damage (SDMA)
What is SDMA? What animals should be tested for SDMA? Preparing the material for shipment
Cholecystectomy in dogs and cats
Cholecystectomy is a complete removal of the gallbladder, performed in the surgical treatment of gallbladder diseases.
Poisoning with rat poison
Picked up poison, doghunters or outdoor rat control: What to do if your dog has eaten rat poison and how to try to help him before arriving at the clinic.
Поширені міфи про кастрацію.
На сьогоднішній день найпоширенішою операцією в ветеринарних клініках є кастрація самців і самок. Це планова операція, яка проводиться клінічно здоровим тваринам і має мінімальні анестезіологічні ризики, досить добре переноситься і має гарне і швидке відновлення
Why does my cat mark
Why neutered cats can mark territory?