Blog - Therapy
How to interpret blood and urine tests?
Analysis of the main indicators and their importance for animal health
Poisoning with rat poison
Picked up poison, doghunters or outdoor rat control: What to do if your dog has eaten rat poison and how to try to help him before arriving at the clinic.
Preparation for ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
It is important to remember that proper preparation of the animal can significantly facilitate the abdominal ultrasound process. By performing this procedure, the doctor can detect possible problems in time and provide proper treatment. High-tech ultrasound is one of the ways to quickly and informatively diagnose and ensure a long and healthy life for our pets.
A good doctor is worth its weight in gold. Everyone understands this and can spend years looking for the best one, and when they find one, they will expect miracles.
How to protect home lovers from radiation damage.
In recent days, we have received many calls asking for advice on the need to protect animals during a possible radiation exposure.
Side effects of antiparasitic drugs
The need for tick and flea treatments for pets is a well-known fact.
This is an infection with intracellular parasites - babesia, which enter the dog's bloodstream when a tick bites with its saliva.
Сечовипускання та дефекація котів в небажанному місці
Кицьки зазвичай вибагливі по відношенню до своїх туалетних звичок і постійно використовуватиме свій лоток.
We remind you of the importance of preventing infectious diseases in animals.
Vaccinate your pets
How to clean pets' ears correctly?
In most cases, clinically healthy animals do not need additional ear cleaning. But there are some breeds...
Rules for traveling with pets.
What can we do and what is needed?
Only beauty. No stress at all
or how to prepare your furry friend for grooming
найчастіше векторне захворювання собак, переносником якого є іксодові кліщі.
Що потрібно знати власникам домашніх тварин про функції нирок
а також про діагностику та лікування хронічної хвороби нирок у собак та котів?
Ідіопатична епілепсія собак
Судоми - одна з найчастіше неврологічних аномалій. Багато чого з того, що ми знаємо про судом, ґрунтується на спостереженнях та дослідженнях у людей