Elena Gerasimova


Doctor of the Department of Dermatology (dermatologist Zoolux)

  • National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine;
  • He has been practicing at the Lyubimets Veterinary Clinic since 2013;
  • He is a full member of the Ukrainian Veterinary Dermatological Society;
  • He is a full member of USAVA;
  • Active attendance at IVC, NVC, NVC, USAVA conferences;
  • She took the VetExpert course "Dermatology" under the guidance of K.S. Medvedev (2019);
  • Attended the conference "Algorithms for diagnosing a dermatological patient" in Odesa (2019);
  • Active listener of ZudaNet, VetDerm, VetDerm PRO under the guidance of S. Belova (Estonia);
  • Listener of the webinars from the series "BREED DERMATOSES in DOGS" led by S. Belova (Estonia)
  • She graduated from the basic course of the Veterinary Marathon educational project on Dermatology under the guidance of Lidia Kupriyanova (2021);
  • Participant of the 10th Veterinary Dermatology Conference (Kyiv, 2023);
  • Participated in the section "Dermatology" from the Ukrainian School of Veterinary Medicine under the guidance of A. Gaidamak (2023);
  • Participant of the II KONFERENCIA TEMATYCZNA PSLWMZ (Lodz, 2024);

The doctor conducts:


  • Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in dogs and cats

  • Conducting diagnostic tests (cytology, trichoscopy, deep and superficial scrapings);

  • Diagnostic examinations of the ears (otoscopy, cytological examination)

Field of interest:

  • Dermatology

Advantages of the Zoolux veterinary clinic:


  • Higher specialized education of doctors:  Doctors of the Zoolux clinics have a high level of professional training and higher education in the field of veterinary medicine. This guarantees customers that their pets will receive qualified and competent assistance.

  • Modern equipment for fast and high-quality diagnostics: Zoolux Clinic is equipped with advanced technologies that allow for fast and accurate diagnostics. Modern equipment helps doctors to provide quality medical care and timely determine the causes of diseases and health disorders of animals.

  • Principles of evidence-based medicine:  Zoolux doctors are guided by the principles of evidence-based medicine, which provides clients with reliable and scientifically based treatment for their pets. This allows us to provide an effective and safe approach to treatment.

  • Personal account for clients:  Clients of the Zoolux clinic have the opportunity to maintain an electronic personal account, which stores all data on visits to the clinic, examination results and other information. This provides convenience and accessibility of animal treatment history.

  • Call Center: The availability of a round-the-clock contact center for consultation and appointment allows customers to get the necessary information and assistance at any time, which makes visiting the clinic even more convenient and affordable.

  • Online consultations with a therapist and specialized doctors: Zoolux Clinic provides the opportunity to receive consultations with a therapist and specialized doctors in an online format. This provides quick and convenient access to expert help, especially in situations where a visit to the clinic is not necessary.

  • Personalized and comprehensive approach: Zoolux doctors strive for a personalized and comprehensive approach to each patient. This means that treatment and care are adapted to the individual needs of each animal, ensuring optimal physical and mental health.


Зоолюкс – сучасна ветеринарна клініка

Зоолюкс – сучасна ветеринарна клініка, лікувально-діагностична база якої вважається однією з найкращих в Україні. У розпорядженні лікарів доступні найсучасніші діагностичні інструменти: комп'ютерна томографія, високоякісний рентген, експертне УЗД, ЕКГ, лабораторні дослідження, в клініці постійно та успішно проводяться ендоскопічні операції, цілодобово працює відділення реанімації та інтенсивної терапії, а також загальної терапії. Зоолюкс – сучасна ветеринарна клініка, лікувально-діагностична база якої вважається однією з найкращих в Україні. У розпорядженні лікарів доступні найсучасніші діагностичні інструменти: комп'ютерна томографія, високоякісний рентген, експертне УЗД, ЕКГ, лабораторні дослідження, в клініці постійно та успішно проводяться ендоскопічні операції, цілодобово працює відділення реанімації та інтенсивної терапії, а також загальної терапії.

Карта Карта