Castration of a cat

Castration of a cat

Castration of a cat in Kyiv

Surgical intervention, which involves the radical removal of the seminal glands, is called castration. For certified surgeons of the Zoolux veterinary clinic, castration of cats in Kyiv is a well-studied procedure. A simple manipulation is performed under general or local anesthesia and takes a maximum of 20 minutes. In order to avoid complications, all, especially old (over 7 years old) animals undergo a thorough examination, and for some breeds, ultrasound of the heart is mandatory. We make sure that the castration of a cat within the walls of the clinic takes place with minimal risks, and the price of the service is affordable for all owners. Zoolux regularly holds promotions and discounts for certain manipulations, which further reduce prices in the price list and allow you to get world-class quality service at an affordable price.

Stages of operation and pricing

Castration of a cat in our clinic is carried out using the most advanced technologies that are aimed at preserving the life and health of the animal, the price for a seamless operation is not at all high. Surgery includes the following steps:

  • a preliminary examination by a therapist to make sure that the cat is healthy, taking tests, measuring temperature;
  • preparation and administration of anesthesia;
  • removal of hair on the scrotum and nearby, treatment of the surgical field with antiseptics;
  • performing an incision (one or two) of the skin and careful extraction of the glands;
  • final treatment of the operated area and the adjacent area with an antiseptic;
  • observation in the hospital (if necessary).

The total cost of castration of a cat includes all of the above manipulations, as well as: anesthesia, antiseptics and antibiotics, observation in a rehabilitation clinic. Since this is not an abdominal operation, as in females, less anesthesia is required, it passes faster and the animal recovers more easily.

How are cats castrated?

In the history of veterinary medicine, more than 150 methods for performing this operation are described. Currently, most often castration in cats is done in the following ways:

  • vasectomy (sterilization) - ligation of the spermatic cords, in which the animal retains the hormonal background and sexual functions. The method is chosen extremely rarely;
  • surgical - removal of the testicles, after which castrated cats lose their ability to reproduce and completely change their behavior;
  • chemical (radiation) - rarely used due to the high cost and lack of knowledge of the effect of background radiation on the animal body as a whole;
  • medication - the introduction of special hormonal drugs for temporary blocking of reproductive functions.

To understand how cats are castrated surgically, we will describe the options for performing the operation, which happens:

  • open - the skin of the scrotum is completely dissected;
  • closed - make two small incisions.

If contraindications to general anesthesia are found during the examination and examination of the animal, it is possible to castrate the cat under local anesthesia.

At what age is it better to operate on an animal

The optimal and earliest castration of cats is possible when the animals reach 6-8 months, when the body is already formed, but puberty has not yet come. Your pet will remain affectionate, will not feel the change and will not show aggression. According to the owners, the castration of an adult cat may not solve behavioral problems (cries at night, marks) or remove them only partially. Feel free to ask any questions about the nuances of the operation to our specialists, because we are talking about the health of your friend. Make an appointment online for an inspection or give us a call!