Emergency care

Emergency care

About emergency care.

It's perfectly normal for pet owners to pay attention to any changes in their pets' behavior or health. It's better to have a false alarm than to miss a symptom that could be the beginning of a serious illness;

However, it often happens when pet owners are convinced of the urgency of the visit, but in fact the condition is not urgent;

Let's figure out when you need to go to the clinic "by ambulance" and when you can and should make an appointment with a therapist or a narrow specialist;


  • If the animal's condition has attracted your attention and has acquired signs that are different from normal, you should take anamnesis and possibly observe the dynamics during the day;
  • If the malaise is short-lived and goes away soon enough, then keep this information in your own notes;
  • If the symptoms recur or are added, then call the veterinary clinic to make an appointment with a doctor;


  1. Turnover or acute gastric dilatation (AGD) - the condition progresses very quickly, every minute counts! Emergency surgery is required. The main symptoms are rapid bloating, increasing weakness and shortness of breath, anxiety, urge to vomit or vomiting mucus.
  2. Polytrauma (car accident, high-altitude trauma) - it is important to get to the doctor as soon as possible!
  3. Sudden paralysis of the limbs - 12 hours after the onset of serious spinal cord injury, treatment may be ineffective.
  4. Piercing wounds - require immediate treatment in a clinic, are dangerous for serious blood loss and violation of the integrity of internal organs.
  5. Poisoning - ingestion of poisons, large amounts of drugs and narcotic substances can lead to both serious illness and death.
  6. Rescue from a fire - an animal after a fire should be taken to a doctor immediately, as severe burns and carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to death in a short time.
  7. Loss of consciousness - can be fatal, so it requires immediate medical attention!
  8. Heatstroke - animals do not tolerate high temperatures, collapse may develop and seizures may occur, death is possible, urgent cooling under the supervision of a doctor is required. The main signs are shortness of breath, tongue and mucous membranes are bright red or pale, viscous, abundant saliva, nausea.
  9. Hypothermia, frostbite - heating under the supervision of a doctor is urgently needed, various pathological changes in the body, malfunctions of internal organs and metabolism may appear, and round-the-clock supervision is required.
  10. Convulsions - during an attack, there may be respiratory and cardiac arrest, and body temperature may rise, which can lead to death.

In other cases, when the owners are convinced of the urgency of the visit and assistance, the doctor can assess the patient's condition directly at the clinic and decide on the urgency of the appointment;

There are separate entrances for emergency patients in Zoolux veterinary clinic:
➡️з 8:00 to 20:00 - this is ENTRANCE 3;
➡️з 20:00 to 8:00 - ENTRANCE 2.

Therefore, dear pet owners, please continue to be as vigilant and caring as ever! If you have any doubts about anything, please call our contact center, where the coordinator will help you to orient yourself correctly and determine the algorithm of further actions;

We wish our pets health and longevity!

Your Zoolux 💚

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