Zoo psychology and behavioral medicine

Zoo psychology

What is zoopsychology? Who is a veterinarian - an animal behavior expert?

Zoopsychology is the science of animal behavior that studies the totality of external and internal factors that influence the formation of various behavioral habits.

A zoopsychologist or animal behavior expert is a narrowly specialized specialist who can help find solutions to problems such as aggression, fears, phobias, sloppy, destructive behavior, stereotyped behavior, as well as to differentiate behavioral problems from health problems.

A zoopsychologist deals with the treatment of many problems, as well as their prevention.


First of all, a zoopsychologist works with the owner of the animal, teaches body language, and explains what moves animals in various everyday and extraordinary situations.

Any "problematic" behavior requires a solution when it interferes with a comfortable life and often the owners themselves look for a solution and, accordingly, it takes a lot of time. But there are situations when an animal needs emergency and professional help: constant anxiety, inability to sleep peacefully, aggression that quickly arose, marking territory with feces and fears.

Help can be sought not only when the situation becomes alarming, but also in cases of "non-critical" conditions.

However, you must understand that before long-term treatment of psychological problems, it is important to exclude the main possible health problems. To do this, you need to consult with a veterinarian-therapist.


Recommendations before visiting a zoopsychologist:

  • Make an appointment in advance (online or offline);
  • Fill out the questionnaire with questions using the link in the SMS notification;
  • If possible, film an example of problematic behavior beforehand;
  • If the animal is over 4-6 years old (a scheduled examination annually is recommended), you need to maintain a 6-8 hour starvation diet for blood sampling and ultrasound;
  • You should take a soft blanket or bed that is familiar to your pet, as well as your pet’s favorite food or goodies.

Specific recommendations for cats:

  • If your cat does not tolerate a visit to a veterinary clinic, it is recommended to conduct an initial consultation online or without a pet.

Specific recommendations for dogs:

  • It is recommended to visit a veterinary clinic with an animal;
  • You should arrive at the clinic in advance, take your time, give your pet the opportunity to get acquainted with the environment on the street and in the clinic.

What awaits you at the appointment of a zoopsychologist?

  • Collection of a thorough anamnesis, life history of the animal, assessment of the emotional state of the animal, its behavior;
  • Recommendations for additional diagnostics of other highly specialized specialists;

Let's make life better for our animals together!


Addresses of our clinics:

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Online consultation with a specialized doctor.

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